Our Story

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Tara, Owner

As a child I had gifts, talents, and abilities that I didn’t understand, and it scared me. What can I say, I’m guess I’m just a spiritual rockstar! However, for quite some time, I forgot that. It was when I felt I had lost almost everything and found my self on my bathroom floor that my real journey into the spiritual world began. I truly believe that the greatest gifts that life has to offer us are available to be experienced only when we create the possibility of allowing ourselves to face our fears through a divine intervention. My life experiences have guided me to become the woman that I believe that I’m destined to be.

In 2008, I was introduced to homeopathy; in 2013, I was first introduced to a formal type of meditation; and in 2016, I became an intuitive life coach. I was so amazed at how quickly you can change your life. I knew this was the direction I wanted to continue in. Through my gifts, talents and unique abilities, I have now become present to the purpose of my own life. This purpose is simple: I choose to be a catalyst for empowerment and healing.

I was guided to open Thrive Mind Body & Soul, a metaphysical boutique, so here I am. Together, let’s evolve, heal, and explore the infinite potential that exists.